Wednesday, February 17, 2010

He'll decide to read ten books in ten days...

Alright, this one I'm pretty confident about, but I'm not sure it will be the book thing... but here's the way I think it plays out:

After one day Dru is going to realize that he actually doesn't have a social life. This realization is going to make him so drastically miss making blogs every day that he's going to fill the ten days with some other awful project, because in Dru's mind lack of friends somehow equates with "Let's do something so that I can NEVER make friends (especially cause all my friends I do have I'm going to say NO YOU CAN'T DO THE BLOG WITH ME ANDY!).

So that's going to happen, and then he's going to decide he wants to read a book everyday, but after he finishes Where the Wild Things Are he'll realize he still doesn't have friends and he's not creative enough to imagine monster friends so he'll make a restriction to, like, read 500 page books every single day.

At the end of the ten days he will come back, still ready to suck like he always does, and continue to neglect his friends and his one time collaborator.


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